Welcome to The Ozarks Paranormal Society Online
The Ozarks Paranormal Society is a team of paranormal investigators dedicated to ghost research, the investigation of phenomena associated with hauntings of paranormal, supernatural or preternatural nature and offers assistance to those experiencing these unusual and frightening events. Our investigations encompass private residences, businesses and historic locations. We do not advocate or endorse the use of occult methods such as Ouija boards, Tarot cards or Séances. Instead we choose to use techniques that will aid in the documentation of the phenomena using a variety of electronic and scientific equipment. The types of equipment used are not actually "ghost detectors" but tools that aide in measuring and recording environmental changes which can substantiate whether or not the activity being experienced is paranormal, supernatural or natural in origin. Once that determination is made, review of the evidence, research and documentation can provide correct identification of the source of the activity. At this point we can then assist in locating and providing the appropriate intervention for the client.
Educating the public on the subject of the paranormal is very important to T.O.P.S As a public service T.O.P.S members are available to conduct public presentations based on research and investigative techniques we use, equipment we use during an investigation and sharing some of more interesting evidence that we have captured over the years. If your group, club or organization would like us to speak at your event feel free to contact us at:
casemanager@theozarksparanormalsociety.comAll of our investigations are performed free Of charge.
What this means is that T.O.P.S is recognized by TAPS as part of a select group of paranormal researchers within the United States and abroad.
TAPS will screen and refer cases to T.O.P.S when they are contacted. Becoming involved with the TAPS Family not only ensures that we are doing the right thing - but it keeps us doing the right thing.
The TAPS Family affiliation provides T.O.P.S and our clientele with access to some of the best and brightest in the field and ensures that we have access to the latest information and knowledge of the latest technology available.